Monday, June 14, 2010

To be shrewd or not to be shrewd, THAT is the question

It’s a struggle to continue to want to do good to and for people when one has been hurt in the process of offering goodness. However, I struggle when wondering how much caution should be present when offering empathy, understanding, and support to others. We are not to be gullible pawns but neither are we supposed to be blatant connivers. What is the balance?

Matthew 10 says that one should be as shrewd as snakes, but as innocent as doves.

To be Shrewd means having or showing keen awareness and sound judgment. Shrewd suggests a sharp intelligence, discerning, and hard -headed insight. It’s hard for me to find a balance between lessons learned through difficult circumstances in life which causes me to be shrewd as a snake, but not necessarily as innocent as a dove. How do you hold on to innocence once it has been destroyed?

Innocence means to be uncorrupted by evil, malice, or wrong doing. Unfortunately, I have seen more than my fair share of all of the above. Because of this, I feel that I have a lot more shrewdness then I do innocence—is it possible that this can get in the way of ministry and understanding of both circumstances and others?

What’s the difference between being judgmental and calling it like you see it?

Is this sense of shrewdness considered wise or opinionated?

If it looks like a skunk, smells like a skunk, and acts like a skunk, chances are, it’s a skunk. It’s hard for me to believe otherwise, though I am challenged to think that maybe I should.

I don't want my shrewdness to get in the way of ministry, but I also do not want to be hurt in the process. Is that a conundrum?

Needless to say, this is an inner battle that I am having.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sister. Me too. Maybe we're okay as long as we don't try to get even. There's just not time enough in life for vengeance. That's the Lord's job.
